Rare Schuco yes no duckling

This amusing duck has his original metal framed glasses and a card chest tag. When you move his tail, his head will go from side to side, or up and down. Schuco is the trade name of Schreyer & Co

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FADAP (French) Felt Dog

Front view of Very rare FADAP (French) felt dog with googlie eyes and original button in ear

A very rare FADAP (French) felt dog with googlie eyes and original button in ear, the button has the FA written above the DAP, which dates him at between 28th August 1929 and 30th July 1930. F.A.D.A.P. stands for Fabrique Artistique d’Animaux en Peluche. This company was founded in 1920 and based in Divonne-les-Bains, France,…

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British Belisha Beacon Duck Soft Toy

British Belisha Beacon duck soft toy

A rare British Belisha Beacon duck soft toy, probably made to promote the new crossing light added to pedestrian crossings in 1934. Named after the Transport Minister of the time, Leslie Hore-Belisha.

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